by Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King
“One hundred fifty years ago, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring that slaves held in Confederate territory were free men and women. One hundred fifty years later, children in every part of the country still face the degradation and hopelessness of the practice President Lincoln sought to end.....For the last 40 years and even earlier in some states, many of our judges and lawmakers have treated people like property.
They’ve held babies in the womb to be like chattel, possessions to be discarded or destroyed, with their mothers cast as owners. These officials, along with the abortion industry itself, feign ignorance of the unborn child’s humanity....We can’t stop all evil in this fallen world, but we can fight it in our own neck of the woods with love. Love never ends. Love can save lives. Love declares that there is no such thing as an unwanted child....With love, children are adopted, not aborted. With love, children are cherished, not abused. With love, there is less room for the oppressor because his hunting grounds are smaller....We simply need to see no child as unwanted.... And it can start with just one. One life loved can make all the difference. After all, one life changed the entire world."