Two Lenten Bible Study programs are being offered at Saint Catherine of Siena. The first one is led by Mrs. Bonner, director of religious education and meets on Wednesdays of Lent in the Library at 9:15 a.m. (till 10 a.m.) and follows the Lection-ary for Lent. Anyone who has taken a bible study with Mrs. Bonner knows how detailed and action-packed they are. Join her on this great spiritual journey. The second study program is be-ing offered on Saturday mornings in Lent (9-10:30 a.m.) in Rus-sell Hall and is led by Lou Daniels and Fr. Michael (it also has bagels and coffee sponsored by the Men’s Club!) and follows the Lenten Lectionary and will include the histrionics of the day and culture. Take advantage of either Lenten Bible Study program and delve deeper into the Spirit of Lent.