Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers Lectors proclaim the Word of God, the Old Testament and the New Testament, at the Masses. I am asking that if you have considered being a lector, please call the parish office, 658 1642 and asked to be placed on the list. We will be hosting a training new lector’s session in late summer.
Eucharistic Ministers are also needed in our parish. We should have eight (8) at each Mass for the Body and Blood of Christ. I will be training EMs in the late summer and hopefully we will have a new contingent for the next schedule. Kindly speak to Lisa Cerchia in the parish office, 658 1642.
Altar Servers are needed for the smooth celebration of the Mass. Trainings are held often, and you may provide your name to the parish office, 658 1642, for registration. If you are in fourth (4th) grade or older, please consider this ministry which takes place while you are at Mass. I could use about 10 or more new altar servers.