Law, Order & Life. It appears that Law & Order isn’t just a popular, long running TV series or a political agenda, but that law and order has a purpose in our spiritual lives, so let us listen to God’s love explained in Sacred Scripture. Our first reading from the Book of Deuteronomy, offers us an understanding that God has expectations for us, so He gives us His Word—The Law—to enable us to become like Him, to imitate Him in our actions, which then will lead us to take possession of the Promised Land. He commands us not to change His laws by piling on our requirements or by taking away from His Word.
Our second reading, from St. James, notes that God’s gifts—His Love, His Word and decrees—His teachings—meaning his Ordered and intentional life, are good (for our excellence) and won’t change from age-to-age. There are no shadows or grey areas in His Truth—Truth is Absolute. The reason for His Divine Love, Agape, which seeks the Excellence of us all, makes us, as humans, the first fruits of His creation (we are the Crown of creation). Thus, He commands us to be doers of His Word, not just hearers alone. This command reminds us that if we truly wish to be Christ’s disciples, then we have to bring our faith alive through our daily activities of life. How we live each day out, the kindness and generosity we show, is our heartfelt faith brought to life in action by the Holy Spirit.
In fact, St. James reminds us that for our religion (spirituality) to be pure requires us individually to be comprised of, and distributors of, charity—the concern of and care for others; unsoiled faith then implies a faith that is filled with hope expressed for all. Thus, our faith cannot be hypocritical, fractionalized, it must be pure.
Mark’s Gospel this weekend asks us not to be hypocritical about our lived experience of faith. So we must ask ourselves, “How will I translate my faith from my mind (belief) to my heart (action)?” Jesus replies to the Pharisees and the Scribes who are questioning why His followers don’t cleanse themselves, according traditions, before eating meals. Jesus basically states that what really matters is not the cleanliness of one’s hands at mealtime but rather what truly matters is the internal disposition of the heart, the mind and the soul. When it comes to evil, it infects from within and does not enter and weaken the heart from the outside.
Law, Order & Life: “What’s it all about, Alfie?”
The opening verse of Bert Bacharach says it all: “What’s it all about when we sort it out? Are we meant to take more than we give Or are we meant to be kind?”
“Meant to be” is intentional and like God’s Love—His gifts—His Law seeks the excellence of us all, thus you have “Law & Order,” and from obedience to them brings the Promised Land—Life, spiritually speaking. Deuteronomy, James, and Mark offers the big picture.