We come “to know” God not in the same we know how to solve an algebra problem of how to make a cake, rather we know God through an intimate relationship—by feeling His presence in our lives. His presence brings with it His power. His power will save us.
We also “know” the Lord by listening to His Word—and allowing His Word to dwell within us and make its home in our hearts, forming our hearts after His Will.
On Wednesday, December 11th at 7 p.m., I personally invite you to attend our parish’s first-ever Advent Taize. For just an hour, step out of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shop-ping season, the winter sports, the parties and work schedules—and come to the church amid candle light and sacred mu-sic and listen to His Word. Allow it to settle into your heart, filling you with His love and hope; let it nourish you and satisfy your every need, let it fulfill you and “Be Still and know that I am God.”
I promise you that Word of God, the prayers of the Church, and the soothing yet powerful sacred music will help you this Advent season “make way the paths of the Lord” right into your heart and your life. It will bring you peace and will remind you that in the end, amid the wildness and rush and un-certainty of the world—“not a hair on your head will be de-stroyed.” Peace be with you—and it only takes an hour. Wednesday, December 11th, 7 p.m. in the church. Be there.