On Saturday, 14 January 2017 at 10 a.m., St. Catherine of Siena Parish will hold a training session for new Eucharistic Ministers. The training takes place in the church and will consist of liturgical, theological and practical/logistical understandings and roles of the Eucharistic Minister in service at Mass.
If you would like to be part of the training and would like to serve our parish and God by being a EM, please call the parish office (658 1642) or speak directly to Fr. Michael to find out more information.
For those who are interested in serving our parish in this ministry, please know that service means serving God by fulfilling a role within the Church. Ministry is always at the service of the greater good.
For practical purposes, individuals may schedule themselves for ministry service. Our parish uses Ministry Pro which is a automated, computerized service whereby the individual lists dates and times he or she is available for service, keeping in mind that each and every Mass requires a certain number of (lay) EMs. With biographical information, the system them schedules you accordingly, matching family members as well as dates and Mass times for intra-family convenience. Lisa Cerchia in the parish office can acquaint you with the details of scheduling your availability in align with our EM needs.