Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Alleiuia! Christ is risen from the dead, and in Him we too are born to a new and indestructible life. To Him be glory and praise foreverl
During this Easter season, we are called to recognize the depth of God’s love and mercy revealed in Christ‘s sacrifice on the Cross and poured out for us in the sacramental life of the Church, especially in Baptism and the Hoiy Eucharist.
Just as the Apostles, seeing the Risen Christ, were moved from despair to rejoicing, we too are filled with the joy that he promised, a joy that this world can neither give nor take away. Easter assures us that even amid the trials and turmoil of life, an unconquerable love reigns supreme. We have only to remain steadfast by doing our daily best to follow Christ with faith, hope and love, by a life of fidelity and virtue, of sacramental practice and prayer.
It is in response to divine love that we rejoice as brothers and sisters today, no longer scattered and divided by sin, but united as one Body in Christ. And as one Body we proclaim the Easter gospel for the salvation of the world. When the Risen Christ appeared to his disciples, he lovingly deciared, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you“ (John 20:21}.
Today it is we who are being sent into the world with the good news of Easter, joining our voices to those of the first disciples in proclaiming, “The Lord is risenl“ to our famiiles and friends, our neighbors and coworkers, “He is truly risenl“.
May the peace of the Risen Christ he with you always, and may the great joy of Easter fill your hearts in this season and throughout the year. Alleluia!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair
Archbishop of Hartford