The date for Confirmation will be Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 11am, here at St. Catherine of Siena Church.
The new Archbishop, The Most Reverend Leonard Blair will be the celebrant. The mandatory rehearsal for all the Confirmation candidates is Thursday, May 8th from 4:15 - 6 pm in the church. Sponsors are not required to attend but may if they would like to. The rehearsal for sponsors will be 1 hour before the Confirmation Mass on Saturday- 10 am in the church. So the details are:
Rehearsal for Candidates: May 8th 4:15 pm (mandatory)
Rehearsal for Candidates & Sponsors: May 10th 10 am (all sponsors must be present with the candidate)
Confirmation at 11 am with Archbishop Blair.
There is a mandatory parent meeting on your calendars for January 26 at 6 pm in the church will address the details on final requirements, dress code, paperwork, etc.