As we endure this pandemic’s ongoing restrictions and concern for the contagion, most of us have altered our lives a great deal, including not regularly receiving the Eucharist and thus for many, through no fault of their own, are being distanced from Christ Sacramentally.
Long term, this is a concern for us individually and for the Church as people might become comfortable with “attending Mass” from the couch. While this is fine for a short time, and especially in the midst of this pandemic, as well as for those who are unable to leave their homes for reasons of health, it is for the rest of us—a troubling concern. We cannot become “comfortable” not receiving the Lord.
In the Catholic Church our Eucharistic meal is vital. Unlike the Christian denominational churches who either don’t believe in the Real Presence nor celebrate it at every Mass (service), the Eucharist is the source, summit and font of our faith. We are connected to Christ in Word certainly as well as in community, but it is in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic meal—Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity—that we are fed, nourished and strengthen by His very self. In the eating of His Body and Blood, we are conformed to Him and transformed into His Presence in the world through how we take our faith out of the Mass (“The Mass has
ended, Go in Peace!”) and then transform the world in which we live by faith expressed.
As I have said numerous times in homilies, just as “Milk Does a Body Good” in the strengthening of our bones and skin; or as reading a book enlightens our minds, so too receiving the Lord nourishes our Soul and helps lead us on the path to Salvation.
May our prayers and our actions lead us to the Eucharistic meal, and may we pray for an end to this pandemic and a return to fully participating in the Mass, which as we know is a dialogue between the priest and the parishioners in praise and worship of the Almighty God, which brings us Peace!