Our parish is mightily blessed and Christmastime is a great reflecting point in which we can all remember, celebrate, and give thanks for these blessings:
Let’s start with our faith community—we have so many dedicated families and individuals who call Saint Catherine of Siena their parish home and come here regularly to be nourished in Word, in Sacrament, and in Deed—and give of their time, their talent, and their treasury to make it all happen. From the Sunday and the daily Masses to the various spiritual meetings to our choir-based special events and our Making Music-Praying Twice; to the Youth Ministry action that happens locally and beyond and to our Religious Education weekly sessions and all the preparations that goes into them; to the Bible Studies and the many outreach programs offered by the Women’s and Men’s Clubs Ministries; to the prayer shawls knitted for the ill and grieving, to the Neighbors In Need supporters and our Pantry Partners’ providing food for local friends in need, to the Youth Feed the Hungry and our Saint Elizabeth helpers at the shelters in Hartford; to parishioners working on the Parish Legacy Fund to support the future of our parish and the ladies who care for the outdoor gardens and those who decorate the sanctuary with flowers and materials grown and made with love for God; to the Lenten Mercy Project, to the summer picnic creators, to golf outing leaders, and to all from Christmastime, to Eastertime, and to everyone involved in-between;
and, To the countless individuals who go without naming—I want thank the many faceless-and-behind-the-scene workers making so much happen all for the glory and praise of God and to make His love and compassion made manifest right here in our neighborhoods and homes—women and men who organize and create the helping hands of God’s love and mercy all year long here at Saint Catherine of Siena…my sincere and deeply heartfelt thanks and appreciation and admiration—to each and every one of you for all of you and for all that each of you do! My Christmastime and “All-Yeartime” thanks!!! A very Merry and Happy and Blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones!