Effective March 30, 2012, Linda Butler, who has served as parish secretary for many years will leave that position as she prepares to take a full time job outside of the parish.
We thank Linda for her past service to the parish and wish her well and much success in her new endeavor.
Beginning April 16, 2012, Lisa Cerchia will begin as our parish’s new, part time secretary. Lisa is currently a parish secretary in the Diocese of Springfield with more than 14- years experience in the Catholic Church, and currently works in a "yoked" parish, meaning that one priest heads two differ-ent parishes. Lisa, along with her husband, Steve Cerchia, are active members of our parish.
I know you will join me in welcoming Lisa to this position and I look forward to working with her.
Please note that the position of parish secretary is a 25-hour-a -week, part time position. The parish office is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday; however, as pastor I am always accessible by phone or by appointment. The office hours for both the religious education office and the youth ministry office remain unchanged.