The celebration of the Sacred Mass is a dialogue between God and His people, with the Priest as the mediator of that dialogue. Note that in the Mass the priest makes certain statements to and asks question of the laity—and the laity respond—as the priest as presider or President of the celebration acts as mediator. He even uses certain particular stances, i.e., the Orans, a loanword from Medieval Latin ōrāns translated as one who is praying or leading, also orant or orante, is a posture or bodily attitude of prayer, usually standing, with the elbows close to the sides of the body and with the hands outstretched sideways, palms up. (Catholic Encyclopedia) to lead the celebration.
Why write about this here? Any time a Mass is celebrated the dialogue should be heard. For the priest to say, “The Lord be with you,” and the response, “And with your spirit” to be said out loud by only 10 out of the 100 parishioners really isn’t a dialogue as much as a murmur.
And especially now as we live-stream all of our Mass, the people listening at home are unable to fully hear, and thus fully participate in the Mass. And full participation, which Vatican Council II calls for by the laity means that we are present, we pray aloud the Mass parts, sign (non-pandemic times) and become One with God in the celebration. So may I ask you, for the sake of our live-streaming sisters and brothers—and me—to use our “outside voices when praying during the Mass. Thank you!