Numerous mothers and fathers as well as little children told me of the great time they had last Saturday at our parish’s Breakfast with Santa—from the wonderful breakfast feast of pancakes, eggs and home fries to the arts-and-crafts, carol signing, games, letters written to Santa—and all topped off with a visit with Santa himself. A grand day for all!
I want to especially thank Santa Claus for his time and visit spent with all the “little girls and boys” as he took a break from the North Pole—we know how busy you are, Santa!
And I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of Santa’s helpers: Christ Tanski and her wonderful “elves” that put the entire day together. From the shoppers and those who set up the event in Russell Hall, to all the cooks making breakfast, those who cleaned up, the youth who worked with all the children on their projects, our
carolers from Simsbury High School, and everyone else who made this magical day happen. Santa was so surprised he said he cannot wait to come back to St. Catherine of Siena next year—and he told me he might even come sooner. Who knows? My thanks to everyone who made this great parish event a success—again!