In this foundational Bible study, Lou Daniels takes you on a guided tour of the Four Gospels. In Part 1 of the series, he answers historical questions about the origins of the Gospels, such as: Who wrote the Gospels? Are they really anonymous?, When were the Gospels written?, What did the Church Fathers believe?, What do modern scholars believe? Why?
In Part 2, Lou then turns to the portraits of Jesus that each of the four Gospels gives us. He takes you through the distinctive picture given by each Evangelist: Messiah, Rabbi, Evangelist, New Moses Healer and more. All are welcome. Monday’s 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 and 6/24 at 6 p.m. Come to one or come to them all. RSVP are helpful by registering, Sponsored by the Men’s Club Ministry.