Last weekend we heard about ?Commitment Weekend? and our individual support as well as our parish?s support of the good works accomplished in the name of Christ through the Archbishop?s Annual Appeal. I want to personally thank every-one who has already donated to these corporal works of mercy and to those who are or will be ?committing? to it in the near future?THANK YOU! If I might also ask a favor of parishioners here who have joined us from another parish, when you make your donation kindly make sure to list St. Catherine of Siena as your home parish. If you don?t change your affiliation with the Archbishop?s Annual Appeal Office (we can?t do it for you due to privacy reasons) then your old parish gets the credit. Thanks!
Last weekend while I was talking about all the good works that the Catholic Church does?feeding the hungry, build-ing hospitals and offering free medical care, pastoral care, educa-tion to the underprivileged or the thousands of elementary and high schools and universities as well as the homeless shelters, food kitchens or centers for abused and battered women?I failed to mention two other unique aspects of the Catholic Church: the hundreds of thousands of missionaries who through the centuries have aided the poor and sick in our world and the number of tre-mendous saints, Mother Teresa, Catherine of Siena or Francis, who have shown us what Christ desires of us. Name any other institution who has had such an impact on the world?and how wonderful it is that we are part of that ongoing tradition. Thank you!