The Who and the Why: Once again, ou r par ish w ill see ou r Advent Giving Tr ees in the vestibule and the atrium, complete with white lights and envelopes hanging on the branches. And,once again, we are seeking support for two important and worthwhile charities. The Who: First, our Neighbors in Need Fund (NIN), who through our parish supports local Farmington Valley families and individuals who find themselves in difficult times, perhaps through food insecurity, concerns paying their electric or gas bill, needing assistance with prescription co-pays, or help with a doctor’s or hospital’s bill, or a large, unexpected auto repair bill that just doesn’t fit into the budget. Whatever it may be, there is a need and thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, we have a fund that meets those needs, trials and tribulations. Sometimes we are able to help another local charity in need, who also is doing God’s work, and they need help with a local family in need where one single charity cannot do it all. Our NIN fund was founded years ago by a very kind husband and wife who wanted to share their blessings with others. I met with them and after our meeting they made a major donation to create this fund and we set parameters for its use. From that year forward, the Advent Giving Tree has helped to replenish the NIN fund thanks to you. One good idea, supported by many, has created a fund to consistently be present for the needs of others all in the Holy Name of God. Thank you!
The second “who” are the Knights of Malta House of Care, that provide primary health care, free of charge, to those who have no health insurance and are unable to pay out of pocket. Some of these folks work two or three-part time jobs. Some are without any hope and are just looking for a set of caring eyes in the midst of their medical crisis. The Knights of Malta (KOM) are a Catholic professional medical outreach program meeting the needs of diagnosis, treatment, surgeries, repetitive medicine and so much more—they meet people where they are, without judgment and more importantly with the eyes, the hands and the hearts of Christ. In many ways, these nurses, doctors, technicians and volunteers of every stripe are continuing Christ’s healing ministry today. Your support for them makes Christ possible in many lives.
So why St. Catherine of Siena Parish, year-after-year? Because Christ is still out there—in the hunger, the cold, the sickness and the wondering of “what will I do?” And where He is, so too must we be.
The above-mentioned “Who” –the NIN fund and KOM—are the mechanisms of the “who,” but the real “who” are faces of Christ to whom we choose to respond. Maybe some will say there are too many or we are doing too much. But, the need is great, “and if not us, then who…and if not now, then when?” After all, we are called as Catholics to do His Will. He has given us, the faithful, the three (3) Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity. Faith is the foundation, and it enables us to hope in the fulfillment of God’s promise in Christ. Hope gives us strength to believe, and Charity enables us to answer the call in Love, Christ’s Love, which only seeks the excellence of the other.
Thank you in advance for your Charity, for your Faith, and for your Hope. And as always just do what you can—treasure, resources or action—for no one needs to do everything, but everyone should do something. A blessed Advent.