Susan Zybert is excited to announce that the St. Catherine of Siena Music Ministry is taking its first step toward ensemble singing with the return of the Adult Choir at the 11 a.m. Mass on Oct. 17th.
Now, for the ask–would you like to join the Choir? Being part of the choir is a great way to sing your faith each week along with a wonderful group of people, and we could use more singers–both men and women. We are going to begin with an information session on Tuesday, Oct. 5th at 7 p.m. in the Music Room for anyone who is interested in joining, followed by our first rehearsal in the Church at 7:30 p.m.
I invite you to come and give it a try! RSVP to Susan Zybert at
A note on safety: We understand that singing is a high aerosol activity, so we are following the recommended mitigation strategies for the performing arts. First, being vaccinated is strongly recommended. Singers will be masked (the disposable surgical mask style) and spaced 3 feet apart in the Church or Russell Hall.