Currently on Tuesday mornings following the daily Mass, Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is offered. This provides our parishioners with an opportunity to spend time in private prayer (with brief beginning and ending prayers) before the Lord. You are able to bring all your prayers and petitions, your concerns and cares, your prayerful conversation with the Lord in the sacred space of our Church. We have realized a good attendance.
For the past year or so, save for summertime, we also have offered Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the third Tuesday evening of the month. This service is led by trained lay leaders. This timing offers those who are at work in the morning to also bring their prayers, petitions, joys and sorrows to Christ in this ancient tradition and beautiful private prayerful way. It is my hope that with better promotion and increased conversation about it, we will open it up to more people and grow the opportunity to provide quiet, private prayer for all. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I know that for some this is a new kind of prayer and a new ritual practice. Therefore, no question is out of bounds. We all need to start somewhere. Please ask if you are wondering about its purpose, how you participate, how long it lasts, and any other question you may have. Our faith is deep, it is broad, and beautiful—meaning it is rich beyond belief in comfort, knowledge and compassion—and it is open to all.
I am happy to answer any question or have any conversation. -Fr. Michael