On each Tuesday, our parish will venerate the Blessed Sacrament immediately following
daily Mass (approximately 9 a.m.).
This Eucharistic devotion is meant to offer all the faithful an opportunity for one hour to come before the blessed Sacrament and pray in silence for particular (stated) as well as silent personal intentions.
During the month of June our stated prayer intention will be for vocations:married vocations, religious vocations and priestly
vocations. Parishioners are also welcome to pray for their own needs. There will be brief beginning and ending prayers, a blessing and a brief reading of Sacred Scripture.
During the month of June I am willing to train lay people to lead Adoration for our parish as I may not be able to do so each and every month due to potential meetings, etc. I also believe it wise to invite and encourage the laity to participate fully in this devotion. Please let me know of your desire by calling 860-.658.1642.