The objective of this outline is to highlight the current activities and ministries of the St. Catherine of Siena Community with an eye toward future expansion keeping in mind our desire to reach out to our entire worshiping community making all feel welcome and free to participate fully in all aspects of our Catholic Community.
We strive to be a faith filled community living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. We are committed to loving God through participation in the sacramental life of the Church. We pray and grow together supporting and caring for all.
Current Situation:
St. Catherine of Siena was founded in 1974. Since its founding, the church building was renovated and first expanded in 1990 and most recently in 2006. Our pastor is Father Michael Whyte. There are two full time employees and three part-time employees in the parish. Currently, St. Catherine of Siena Parish is comprised of roughly 960 families. Since 2007, our parish family has grown by approximately 10%. Around 1800 people attend mass each weekend. There are about 600 children in our Religious Education program and about 35 teens in our Youth Ministry. The church facilities are located at 265 Stratton Brook Road and sit on approximately 17 acres of land. A Parish Council, Finance Council, Stewardship Council and Building & Grounds Committee along with countless other volunteers work to create a better and stronger sense of Community at St. Catherine of Siena Parish.
Current programs
• The celebration of the Holy Eucharist daily at 8:30 a.m., except Thursdays
• Weekend Mass is celebrated Saturdays at 5 p.m. and Sundays at 8 & 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.
For the months of June, July, and August, Sunday Mass is celebrated at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
• Masses on Holy Days are celebrated on the vigil and day of observance
• The sacrament of Reconciliation is offered Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 p.m., Monday 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., Tuesdays 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. or by appointment
• All other sacraments (e.g. Baptism, Marriage, etc.) may be arranged by contacting the Parish Office.
• Support ministers include altar servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, and choir members
New and expanded programs and projects:
• Prayer circle
• Monthly Rosary
• Adoration and Benediction
• Tenebrae
• Lessons and Carols
• Blue Mass
• All Souls Day Remembrance Ceremony
Our plan is to incorporate into our local practices the variety of the Church’s liturgical rituals and ceremonies as well as an educational component so that our members fully understand the new liturgies and traditions now practiced in our community - to explain the reasons behind our celebrations so that we fully form our understanding of the Universal Church and all her beauty and - to make full participation in the fullness of the Faith a reality.
Current music programs and projects:
•Choirs: Adult and Children’s
• Contemporary Music Ensemble
• Individual cantors
• Christmas concerts: Children and Adult
New and expanded programs and projects:
•Diversity of our music repertoire
• Increased members in cantor list and all choirs
• Increased events in which all choirs perform
• Introduction of more instrumentalists at the Masses
• Acquire a grand piano for the Church
• Hire an accompanist for Adult choir rehearsals and Masses
Our plan is to have a greater emphasis on sacred music education to expand the active involvement of our faith community and to highlight the role of music in the liturgy.
Faith Formation & Religious Education:
Current projects and programs:
•Child and youth based religious education classes for some 680 youths
• An ongoing Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program
• Parish-wide retreats for men, women and youth
• Multiple and varied Small Christian Communities
• Lenten Bible Study
• Faith formation program for our special needs students
• A yearly Lenten parish-wide Mission is being incorporated into our overall religious education program
New and expanded programs and projects:
•Evenings of Reflection on a host of topics (sacramentals, faith formation, church history, faithful citizenry and more) all meant to highlight the importance and relevance of our faith in the modern world
• Educating our laity on the teachings of the Church through a Catholic Book Club, Adult Education Series, and Lenten Bible study
• Annual festive celebration for our patron saint, Catherine of Siena
• Library enhancement to update and increase our religious library collection.
• Outreach ministry to divorced/remarried Catholics
• Bringing alienated Catholics home