Background: The ‘Feed The Hungry’ Youth Group, now called Feed The Hungry, was developed approximately 16 years ago as a way for our youth to see and assist the hungry and homeless living no more than 15 miles from us here in Simsbury. Today, the entire parish is involved with this ministry to help feed the homeless and those that are food insecure.
What the Ministry does: Once a month, parishioners – young and old alike - prepare and serve up to 200 lunches to feed the area hungry and homeless along with 30 or so residents of the Saint Elizabeth Home & Shelter in Hartford. Adult chaperones are sometimes needed each month.
How the Ministry operates: We are a self-funded group run exclusively with volunteers from the parish. Our funding comes exclusively from our Junior and Senior High Youth Ministry Annual Car Wash, and the support and generosity of our parishioners toward this endeavor. This year alone, we raised approximately $11, 000 to support Feed The Hungry for the year.
When does the Ministry take action: Once a month Saturday visits take place throughout the year. We meet at the church at 9:30 a.m., caravan to the shelter in Hartford and arrive back to the church at approximately 1:30 p.m.
Why the Ministry may be right for you: It exposes all individuals, our youth and adults of our parish to the poverty that is at our doorstep and shows them, through example, that they can do something about it. Everyone who helps gains a new perspective on just how lucky they are and how rewarding it is to help others