How do I join the parish?
Fill out the parish registration/census form. Mail or email ( the form to the parish office. You may also contact the office by phone (860-658-1642) or email.
How do I arrange for a Baptism?
Fill out Baptismal Information Form and contact the Parish Office (860-658-1642). First time parents should also make an appointment to meet with our pastor.
How do I register a child for Faith Formation?
Parishioners who have had a child/children in Faith Formation the previous year at our parish need only to fill out the Faith Formation form and send to the parish office.
Parishioners who are registering a child for the first time need to fill out a “First Time Student Form. These forms can be requested from our Faith Formation Coordinator or our Parish Office. In addition, be sure to make an appointment to meet with the Faith Formation Coordinator, Grace Treacy,
Parents who are not currently registered as parishioners must first register with the parish. Please contact the parish office at (860-658-1462).
How do I arrange for a special Mass intention and or obtain a Mass card?
Please contact the parish office by visiting, emailing ( or calling (860-658-1642).
How do I arrange for an appointment with Fr. Michael?
A confidential meeting can be arranged with Fr. Michael by contacting the parish office.
You may visit (Monday to Friday 9 AM to 2 PM), email ( or call (860-658-1462).