Dear Faith Formation Parents,
We are back at Henry James Memorial School for Faith Formation classes this year, which is a blessing for our children and catechists! In keeping with the Simsbury BOS, BOE and Gov. Lamont's emergency order, we will comply with the protocol for masking indoors and when able, socially distance our students. The classroom sizes have increased after the renovations and most class sizes will allow for this. We have enough catechists and classrooms for this year, but if you have thought about teaching, I would add another class for Grades 7 & 8 in order to spread out a little better. Some catechists for older grades may bring the students out onto the school grounds for class.
All the information can be found by clicking the links to the left of this page: Class Lists, K-10, a list of Catechists and Room Numbers and the curriculum for the Sacramental classes.
Our focus for Faith Formation is forming young disciples who follow Jesus in faith, hope and love. Your faith in Him and your support for our catechists are what make that vision into a reality. We are blessed for parents such as you.