This tough winter with its regular weekend snow storms has had a big impact on our parish and its ministries. Understandable low Mass attendance impacts not only the weekly collections which pay our electric, plowing and heating bills as well as staff salaries, BUT also impacts in a negative way our ministerial outreach. For example, when fewer people are able to attend church then the donations to our Lenten Mercy Project are down and the benefits to organizations such as Avon’s Gifts of Love or the Little Sisters of the Poor in Enfield to name two are negatively impacted. The same holds true for the weekly envelopes.
I am asking our parishioners to please help us out: while I fully understand the winter weather’s impact on the drive to church, once the roads are clear and we are back to our routines please drop your donations to the ministries off at St. Catherine of Siena. You might notice that on the television weather reports while other Christian churches cancel the services for inclement weather the Catholic Church ALWAYS celebrates Mass—it’s never canceled. Religious Education, Youth Ministry and ministerial events are canceled but the Mass is never canceled—with or without a congregation the sacrifice of Christ goes on.
Thank you for your understanding and generosity!