In a few weeks in May the Archdiocese of Hartford will be seeking your input on changes required to prepare the Church of Hartford to best evangelize and
serve the people of God in the three-counties of the Archdiocese. Make your voice heard by filling out the brief online survey that will be offered to all Catholic
households within the Archdiocese.
Soon an insert will be in the parish bulletin inviting all members of St. Catherine of Siena to offer their thoughts on topical issues relating to the management and structure of the Archdiocese vis-à-vis parishes, schools and offices.
This survey is just the beginning—focus groups, studies, strategy planning and more will take place to ensure that the worshipping, teaching, and caring roles of the Church will meet the needs of an everchanging society. Kindly watch for more details in our bulletin and on our website ( and keep our Church and her leadership in your prayers, and certainly participate by offering the Archdiocese your input by taking the survey. The future will be bright when all are involved.