A good number of men and woman responded to my plea for new ushers. This is an important ministry and more than just taking up the collection. It is about greeting Mass attendees and helping visitors maneuver about the facilities. And when it comes to the collection being taken up, the ushers help make sure that it runs smoothly so that the money collected is part of the offertory procession which, along with the gifts of bread and wine, ensursing that things run smoothly and reverently.
We will have lead ushers assigned to each Mass who will take the initiative enlist enough ushers (6) for the collection at each Mass, it is my hope that if you—a parishioner in the pew—approached by a lead usher to help out at a Mass, you will respond joyfully. Instructions will be given so that they are easy to follow. I want to thank the lead ushers for their willingness to work with me on this en- deavor and a thanks in advance to those who will assist them at each of the Masses. If you would like to join this group of folks, please feel free to call the parish office and leave your contact information with Lisa Cerchia, 658 1642, including your name, home phone and email address as well as the Mass you usually attend. Thanks!