My name is Stephanie Sickinger, and I am a lifelong parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena, as well as recent graduate of Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Ever since I can remember, my parents encouraged me to deepen my faith through the spirit of giving back. This was demonstrated through Saturday mornings at St. Elizabeth’s House and annual Mission Trips to Boston through Youth Group. My experiences with St. Catherine of Siena were the seeds to my understanding of service and set the stage for my life now.
As a double major in Sociology and Spanish, and a minor in Psychology, my studies at St. Joe’s inspired me to become involved in many different communities, such as service-learning classes, service immersion trips to Appalachia, and the Faith-Justice Institute. This further motivated me to continue to go to the margins. As a result, I will be moving to Guayaquil, Ecuador this July through Rostro de Cristo.
Rostro de Cristo (which means “Face of Christ” in Spanish) is a Catholic volunteer program serving in the barrios of Guayaquil, Ecuador. It was founded twenty-five years ago by Fr. James Ronan, a St. James Missionary priest from the Archdiocese of Boston. On July 22nd, I will board a plane for Guayaquil and spend one year living simply, working and serving the local Church with 11 other volunteers. We will work in schools, educational programs, health clinics and local parishes to lend an extra set of hands of support to the community.
It would be an honor and privilege to have your support in my next journey through Rostro de
Cristo. First, I ask for your support in prayers and blessings as I embark on a new journey. Additionally, Rostro de Cristo relies on the generosity of others and we have been asked to raise $3750 towards program training ($1500), airfare ($1250), and health insurance ($1000). If you are able to support, please visit my fundraising page at
Checks can be made out to Rostro de Cristo, Inc., and mailed to 66 Brooks Dr., Braintree, MA 02184; please include my name in the memo. Our mission would not be possible without your support, and I thank you endlessly.
Please feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more or visit our website at I will also available in the atrium after masses on June 29th and 30th.
En Paz, Stephanie Sickinger,(860) 471- 7402