As we progress forward with the new Stations of the Cross, I would like to explain a little bit about their design,placement and the act of memorializing them for loved ones. A Catholic tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross particularly during Fridays of the Lenten season calls the faithful to come together and follow the Way of the Cross through the Church, reenacting Christ’s own road to Calvary. In the past, our journey here at St. Catherine has been limited with small Stations posted on the back sanctuary wall in a very limited space, often times getting lost on the large rear sanctuary wall.
Our new stations will enable us to make the Way of the Cross around the church. The Design of the Stations will be approximately 36inches high and will be anchored into the floor of the church as singular pillars made of stone, with a slanted top complete with the depiction of each individual Station in hand carved, wooden icons made by a local artist from West Hartford. The first Stations will begin near the widow closest to the sanctuary wall (left side) and follow the windows back to the break of the church, being placed in front of the first pews along the sight lineof the Mary statute and flowing over to the confessional door.
A complete Station will cost approximately $3,000 each, depending on final finishing touches. You may memorialize one station or may donate to the stations, as I do not want them to be so expensive as to preclude someone being part of this project. So, if one can afford the total cost you are welcome to do so. If one can only donate a portion of the cost, we still want you to be able to memorialize a loved one. The plaque will be listed with either one name or multiple names. I hope this is acceptable to all.
For more information or to speak with me, please feel free to call me on the parish number (658 1642) or speak directly to me after Mass. I thank you for your consideration.