Please go online to and sign up for Dr. Joan Kelly’s talk on the Creed—what we believe and why—on April 24th in Russell Hall immediately follow-ing the 11 am Mass. We’ll need a head count for planning.
Dr. Kelly is sure to provide an insightful and easy to understand summary of the Nicene Creed which we proclaim every Sunday offering the tenants of our faith—what we believe and say our faith reveals about God and His love and desire for us. Dr. Kelly is a wonderful speaker full of knowledge insight—and humor—about the beauty and the depth of our Catholic faith.
I cannot wait to hear her wisdom and wit, and I strongly encourage you to attend. Our Catholic faith is rich in tradition and theology. Knowledge—knowing not just the “what” of our faith but the “why” of what we believe can lead you to a deeper love and practice of the faith. What could be more worth your time than building a life-long relationship with God? It’s Eternal!