A teaching Mass is a regular Mass at which the celebrant—the priest—describes the actions in the Mass and what the Church teaches is actually happening in-and-through such words and actions. For example, do we just come to Mass and say a few words or prayers at certain times? Do we have a real role in the Mass—as a parishioner? When we come to Mass do we fully understand the Catholic theological meaning of In Persona Christi? Do we know what happens—and why it happens—at the embolism, fraction or the epiclesis and anamnesis? What is being proclaimed at the Preface? Do we consider the Mass to be a dialogue between us and God? When does the consecration actually happen? Sometimes when we do something over-and-over again it might lose its meaning or become rote. As they say on television, The more you know….
When we understand what and why we are doing something within the context of the Mass then the Mass can have a deeper meaning for us and will call us to be more “fully and actively” involved, drawing us deeper into the mystery of God’s love and desire for us.
I will hold a teaching Mass on Sunday, February 26th at 11 a.m. The Mass will run approximately 20-30 minutes longer than usual. However, for those who wish to understand more about the meaning and power of the Mass, it is well worth the time and understanding.