Our Jubilee Year of Mercy: Feeding the Hungry campaign is underway and we are looking for you, your parents, your children—friends and neighbors—to become involved in spreading God’s kindnesses by Feeding the Hungry once-a-month on Saturdays at a local shelter in Hartford. Sign-up sheets and information may be found in the atrium, or ask Fr. Michael for more information. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Pantry Partners and St. Elizabeth House are looking for you! Want to donate a box of blessings to a neighbor in need? Care to volunteer on a Saturday morning distributing food or collecting groceries? Maybe you might like to prepare a meal or serve it at the St. Elizabeth shelter on Sunday afternoons? Signup sheets and information on both ministries are in the atrium and vestibule, or call the parish office (658 1642).
Youth Ministry Mission Trip is underway and we need you! Can’t work at a shelter? Can’t cook a meal? Maybe you can support a youth minister on this Mission Trip. This weekend our parish will begin the annual Silent Youth Ministry Mission Trip Auction. Help send a missionary to Boston by bidding on his or her service project—hire a babysitter or a chef to cook a meal, maybe have a technology expert come and hookup or train you on your iPad or computer; need a party assistant for your child’s next birthday party, or a little bit of yardwork done, a garage cleaned out…or maybe you’d like an indult for a secured pew for Christmas or Easter? There are many different ways—active and “inactive”—that you can become involved in all that our parish is doing to illustrate God’s love and Christ’s action in our world. Help us, help yourself. Believe it! Live it! Share it! Faith. Check out the silent auction after all the Masses this weekend and all week long. Click Here for Auction Details!
Lenten Mercy Project—Click Here For Details