This weekend our gospel talks to us about the parable of good seeds and weeds. Planted in the same garden, good seeds by God will bring about a fruitful harvest; and weeds-planted by the enemy of the Lord-will grow in the garden and choke off the good seeds. Asked by the workers in the fields if they should cut out the weeds now, the Master says "no." But in the end, this parable taught by Christ says that while the weeds and seeds might grow together - comingle in the world of the living - meaning that good and evil will exist in this world together - in the end the Lord will harvest the good seeds now grown into wheat and bring that abundant harvest into heaven. The weeds, planted by evil and tended to by apathy or laziness and a lukewarm attention to truth, will also be harvested by the Lord but their end will not be heaven, but rather the chaos by which they have brought by their untruths, wickedness and chosen apathy.
The truth is that while it is difficult to understand why God "allows" evil to exist in our world, in the end He will hold all to judgment. Sacred Scripture says, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil." (Corinthians 5:1,610) We firmly believe that the Lord will look at the "big picture" of our lives and not hold us accountable for one day or one act, but for all that is our progression of faith and how we then apply that faith to our daily lives. We have been given the Truth in Sacred Scripture. We have been given clarity in the teachings of the Church over 2,000 years. And we have the Sacraments to nourish and strengthen us. Christ gives, and gives and gives. We are asked to choose. It is all before us.