Today’s Gospel of Mark (Mk 4:26-34) speaks about the mustard seed (not the smallest seed in the world today, but at the time of Christ, it was known as the smallest seed) as a symbol that even the smallest act of kindness, or goodness—in the Christian sense—can spark the growth of faith not only in us but in those around us.
While today’s gospel is about so much more, today I would like to focus on the Prime Motivator of Faith—Christ. And how when we welcome Christ to enter into our lives, the smallest things that we do, for example the making of sandwiches for the homeless or the preparation of a meal for a neighbor in need (Comitas Ministry), in the giving of support to the Knights of Malta House of Care or filling their pantry at St. Justin Church in Hartford; in the support of our Youth Ministry Mission Trip, or the Faith Formation teacher who passes on the faith to another child, in the distribution of the Feed the Hungry, or Pantry Partners or St. Elizabeth House meals, in the knitting of a prayer shawl or the work of the Men’s Club—and in so many other ways—we take a seed of faith, a small act of kindness, a prayer offered in love and hope; or when we listen to a friend or stranger who simply wants to speak without fear of ridicule, then Chris is made known to another. The seed of faith is planted and watered and soon “something” begins to sprout…kindness…hope…a light in the darkness…a feeling of “I belong,”…a feeling of “I am not alone.” In that singular moment of relief, faith can begin and hope will open the way to seeking more—more of what gave me light. And that we know is Christ.
In that moment, you the “doer,” have presented Christ to another. Read today’s Gospel again, and Go Plant Some Seeds! Remember Christ’s own Words: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (MT: 28:19-20)