Mt Tabor is the setting for Matthew’s Transfiguration account; this comes to us by tradition. There is a beautiful Church on the Mountain that has a mosaic in it that depicts Jesus beautifully glorified in Light. Fr. Donald Senior, Scripture Scholar, tells us that the Matthean Gospel today draws upon the Book of Daniel using imagery of Jesus’ glory to remind us of the beauty of Christ when returns to earth at the End Time—how spectacular He shall be—and what awaits us who follow Him. Father Senior also states that the readings for Lent, especially on Sundays, are arranged in such a way that the first reading always depicts a story of Salvation history. That these readings remind us that our Christian identity rooted in Christ and is illustrated in the stories of God’s people in Sacred Scripture. And that today’s readings give us a “textbook” for keeping Lent:
In Baptism we are born anew to life in Christ through His death in baptism, and in Penance we are renewed time-and-time again in grace to begin anew the path to Salvation. In fact, we hear this most powerfully in God’s own Voice today: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”May this be our starting point to set ourselves anew in the practice of our faith this Lenten Season. a