Time to purchase those school supplies!
Yep! School is just around the corner!! Time to pick up all those supplies, from pencils and rulers to notebooks and folders plus all the other items in be-tween!! Stop by the St. Catherine's scrip desk to pur-chase your Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Wal-Mart, Tar-get or Staple gift cards! Let your children use the gift cards to make their purchases. Help get those math skills cranking and learn the value of a dollar at the same time!
Remember, when purchasing cards on-line at www.shopwithscrip.com, use the Saint Catherine enrollment code 7A65C56C279L1. If you prefer not to purchase on-line, stop by the scrip desk or look in the Atrium for scrip order forms. Fill one out and drop it off at the office with your check, we'll be happy to proc-ess your order!
Look in the atrium for Scrip order forms. Fill it out and drop it off at the office with your check and we'll process your order! If you have any other questions, please feel free to call Mary Chappano at