Each year the Archdiocese of Hartford awards the Saint Joseph Medal of Appreciation to one individual parishioner or to one married couple in each parish who has provided invaluable service to the Church. Each year, Saint Catherine of Siena Parish has put forth a name or that of a married couple who has exemplified the epitome of Christian Discipleship—and in an abundance of blessings this is one of the hardest decisions for me to make since we have so many wonderful workers in this parish. Archbishop Leonard Blair awards the medal at the Cathedral in the month of March, and this year on March 31st, the Archbishop will bestow on Lorraine Cosgrove the honor of the Saint Joseph Medal of Appreciation. The medal is named after the patron Saint of our Archdiocese, who happens to also be the patron saint of the Universal Church, St. Joseph the foster father of Jesus Christ.
Lorraine Cosgrove joined Saint Catherine of Siena parish more than seven (7) years ago and has become a very active and valued member. “For the last 5 years Lorraine has been a very talented fifth (5th) grade catechist in our Faith Formation program, where as a teacher she has communicated the faith of the Catholic Church in both the classroom—through creative techniques and by involving our students in classroom activities—and she has extended her classroom lessons to an annual service project at Mercy Corp—a housing and food shelter for homeless and distressed individuals. This mix of classroom learning and participation combined with practical applications of the faith has benefitted those students under her leadership,” noted Kathi Bonner, director of Faith Formation.
In addition to Faith Formation, Lorraine has served the Women’s Club Ministry in our parish by leading that ministry’s publishing of a Parish Cookbook. Using her multiple talents, including being a top-notch photographer, Lorraine has helped with the Women’s Club Ministry efforts to raise money for the Hands of Christ scholarships for deserving students heading off to college and to offer stipends to adults who have ministries which carry on Christ’s social teachings. In addition she has become our parish’s at-large photographer on many projects.
As a pastor, it was an honor and a pleasure to nominate Lorraine for this Archdiocesan medal of appreciation, evidenced by her devotion to church, her lived-faith experience and because of her lively enthusiasm for our parish and for her involvement in many ministries. Thank you, Lorraine and congratulations for jobs well-done!