Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) - Each year the Church welcomes new members of the faithful through the RCIA program at the parish level. RCIA introduces the non-Catholic to the tenants of the faith and to an introduction of the Bible, its books and messages. RCIA whets the appetite for lifelong learning and practice. The first phase of RCIA enables one considering becoming a Catholic if it is appropriate for them continue the process. It?s a great time to come and dip your feet in the ?baptismal waters? and see if joining a universal and very active faith is right for you.
RCIA meets each month from late October until Holy Week, resulting in the Rites of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Great Easter Vigil. We will discuss the Bible, the Ten Commandments, the tenants of the faith and her precepts, teachings of the Church on moral and social issues. The RCIA process is a time to ask questions, to dig deep into the Catholic faith, and to explore what a Sacramental relationship with God and His Church will mean you. If you have a family member who is not Catholic but joins you at Mass or if you know someone who has been considering the Catholic faith, invite them or ask them to call Father Michael, 658 1642. And welcome! More information on dates and times of meetings will appear in next weekend?s bulletin and on our website, stcatherine.info.