—GRADE 4 MASS has been changed to Sunday, November 17th. A reminder-flyer went home with your child last week. All 4th graders are required to attend. Please be at the church no later than 4:30pm so we can practice all the parts. Also, please bring a non-perishable food item for the food pantry. Many thanks!
—First Reconciliation is Sunday, November 24th at 3pm. The children should be a the church no later than 2:45pm. A reminder flyer will be sent home with the children. A tour of the Reconciliation Room and Meditation Room here at St. Catherine of Siena Church will be on Wednesday, Nov. 20th at 4pm. Attendance is strongly urged but is not required.
—ADVENT Giving Program for our Religious Education children and families will begin on Sunday, Nov. 24th. "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" is a program from Simsbury Social Service and will benefit families here in Simsbury. There will be a decorated mason jar for each grade, K-8, for the children made donations to help provide gifts for the young and aged for Christmas. A little means a lot—and together, we can make a difference for our neighbors.