As things begin to rev-up for the school year our parish also begins to rev-up—from religious education and youth ministry to parish picnics, events, and our many, many ministry outreach programs, parish council and the finance council. And while they "begin" seemingly all at once, that doesn’t mean that they have been dormant all summer long.
Much planning, phone calls, negotiations with town departments, calls to order hundreds of books and supplies for religious ed classes, numerous meetings with catechists; as well as youth ministry programmatic planning was all carried out for the year ahead with our partners in order to bring to you—our parishioners— extensive programs to benefit you, your children, and our parish-at-large. Kathi Bonner, Judy Pluta and Sandi Smith have been busy and the results mean a great year ahead. Youth Ministry already had two very successful kick-off nights for senior- and junior-high all with growing numbers. Religious education begins this weekend, Sunday, September 20th. Our music ministry kicks-off with its first rehearsal Tuesday night (all are invited!) and the parish council held its first meeting of the new term; finance council begins in early October.
I want to thank all involved, from our staff members to our many volunteers, who make this parish so very successful. It is all in a smile and a warm welcome… today I met a new mom who came into register her children for religious education and to officially join our parish and heard from her how warm and welcoming our community is. Thank you everyone who makes it all happen!