As I mentioned a few weeks ago and have announced at Masses from the chair, the RCIA program is aimed at welcoming non-Roman Catholics into the faith by leading them on a journey to whet their appetites and come to know the teachings of Christ, why He loves humanity so much and why He desires us to freely love Him back, thus becoming members of His Mystical Body on earth and live in His Kingdom forever.
If your spouse and children attend Mass here and you come with them but have not entered into the Sacramental Life of the Church, this is the opportunity to come and see exactly what the Church believes and teaches. Do listen solely to what our culture tells us or what movies or television shows declare as Church teaching. Don’t even, God forbid, stake your faith on
what great aunt Sarah says the Church is all about. In fact, come and learn more than just the “Thou Shalt Nots” of the Catholic Church but learn the “whys” of our faith.
Our meetings are friendly, and all about open discussions. No wrong answers, no bad questions.
We meet on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. and our slated topics for discussion are: Sacraments and
Sacramental Life, part one; The Mass—what is taking place and what is my role in it; Sacraments and Sacramental Life, part two; Theology of the Catholic Church; Church History and Structure; Social Teachings of the Catholic Church; What it Means to Be Catholic; Guest Speaker opportunities for individual topics; and, prep for the Great Easter Vigil and becoming Catholic.
Depending on the New England Forecast, this is our schedule: November 27, December 4 and 11, January 8, 22; February 5 and 19; March 5 and 26; and,April 9. Father Michael Whyte and Darrin Horbal lead this program. Classes last for about one hour,depending on discussions.