Did you bring your children to Faith Formation (formerly religious education) classes year after year? Did you lead them to Mass on Sundays, and ensure they arrived at Confirmation classes? Did you practice the faith at home, speaking of God and perhaps giving thanks at meals for all your blessings? What happened??? Now these young or maybe middle-aged adults don’t practice their faith? “What did I do wrong, you ask?”
Well, take heart—you are not alone—and as much of the world worked against you. Just listen to music, watch the television—even the Disney channel—or movies, watch a comedian or two or just check out our modern culture and even public schools and see what’s being promoted. And while the culture has changed “things” have never been easy for the practice of the faith or for families who try to lead by example. Below is a beautiful Catholic prayer of Saint Monica, who was the mother of one of the Church’s greatest Saints, Augustine. St. Monica in Catholic
tradition is recalled as an early Christian Saint who lived a difficult life (her husband was an adulterer and a Roman pagan, and her son caused her many a late night in prayer). Monica’s prayers worked and her son, Augustine of Hippo, became a prolific writer (Confessions), teacher and practitioner of the faith and great theologian. Prayers do work!
If you think your loved ones could use some intercessory prayers, why not pray the prayer of Saint Monica and ask for her help in bringing your petitions to God?
“O Almighty God, full of goodness and compassion, You
mercifully accepted the prayers and tears of Saint Monica and
poured an abundance of Your grace upon her son, drawing him to
Yourself in the midst of Divine Providence. Through her
intercession, I come before You now, humbly seeking the same
abundant grace for my (son/daughter). In Your untiring love,
restore (him/her) to Christ and Your Church, through whom You
give every grace and blessing. Loving Father, I beg for myself also
the grace never to part from You by my sins. Trusting in the
providential care You have for all Your children, I ask You to
continue to draw me more securely into Your Fatherly embrace. I
make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who
lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit. God for
ever and ever. Amen.
“Blessed Monica, you who occupy a privileged place in Heaven,
by the power of your proven intercession obtain for my (son/
daughter) the grace of an intimate friendship with Jesus Christ in
this life and glory with Him forever in the life to come. Amen.”