And even more thanks…to our monthly Pantry Partners of Saint Catherine of Siena crew who worked "double duty" this month— on Saturday they distributed the monthly boxes of food for No-vember, then on Sunday they distributed Thanksgiving boxes complete with turkey and all the fixings for a traditional Thanks-giving meal. The Sunday boxes were provided by the Gabel Bri-gade and we appreciate their joining our efforts to make Sims-bury residents truly grateful on Thanksgiving Day. I received a lovely card in the mail on Tuesday from a group of senior citizens in town that was heartwarming. They wanted to thank you, the people of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish, for the monthly food boxes they receive. They said, "We appreciate the food boxes we receive each month. It helps out a lot, for those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes. Also, a great big Thanks for the Thanksgiving Dinner. WOW!!" There was a big heart drawn in the note. Reading notes like this really makes you realize just how blessed one is. Thanks for all you do!