New Leadership in Faith Formation Zachary Wood has accepted the leadership position in our Faith Formation program and I am very encouraged and pleased. Zach has a broad background in Faith Formation programs, Confirmation and youth ministry.
A deeply spiritual man who has a passion for communicating the Catholic Faith to all, especially our younger parishioners and young adults, Zach will oversee our K-8 faith formation, Confirmation program and the continuum of faith development in our parish including but not limited to young adults, family based faith formation and senior adult formation. Zach and I will work in-and-through the results of our successful Forward with Faith campaign, which was instituted to support new and ongoing faith development in our parish.
I am very excited to welcome Zach to our parish team and look forward to great successes, built off the wonderful work of Kathi Bonner, our catechists and our current youth ministry program. We’ve done great work already—and I promise there’s more to come! Welcome Zach!