Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. And yet the picture today’s gospel paints is less regal than it is rugged. How many other royal monarchs can you imagine hanging from a cross, looking disheveled, and aligned with common criminals? Have you ever seen a photograph of Britain’s Elizabeth II, Monaco’s Prince Albert, Spain’s King Felipe or even the 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis, Albert Maria Lamoral Miguel Johannes Gabriel—the world’s youngest billionaire—looking like a common criminal? No royal robes or crown, no photographers about them, no country estate or royal palace to comfort them?
And yet here hangs Christ, King of the Universe, upon a cross and surrounded by common, condemned criminals—suffering the most horrific and cruel death known to mankind. And He did that for you.
Our readings today and especially the Gospel reminds us that while the world will not always recognize Christ the King—rulers, leaders from Rome, the soldiers and the passerby’s in the streets jeered and ridiculed Him. Only the "good" thief sees Jesus for who He is, and this comes from the fact that the power of Jesus is seen in the suffering and death of the Cross. The thief’s profession of faith saves him. We, too, need to see Christ’s power in suffering and death. Christ’s life calls us to imitate Him to those around us; in sinfulness we offer forgiveness, compassion and hope to those in need. Let us remember that the King of the Universe is also our Divine Physician, and He came not to minister to the healthy but rather to heal the sick. Remember, we begin each Mass with the sign of the Cross that saves us and then say the Penitential Rite in which we acknowledge our sins, know that He alone is God, and then ask for His forgiveness. The Kingship of Jesus Christ is not seen in royal palaces or in fine robes, rather it is found in the times we help build up His Kingdom in response to the suffering, death and sinfulness around us—and when we recognize our need for that same power in our lives.