Ministries, current and future—how can you help?
As I mentioned in a recent homily, Christ came into the world as God’s love and compassion as an actor—He not only prayed and was a "doer" for God: He healed the sick, fed the hungry, fought for the unjustly imprisoned, gave comfort to the lonely and depressed, and taught truth to the ignorant. In a recent Sunday Gospel Christ rolled up His sleeves and went to work touching and healing the deaf and mute man. He was challenged by God to leave His comfort zone—Tyre and Sidon—and was sent into the Decapolis where He would be met by those who did not believe in Him. We are given that same challenge by God: to act like Christ in this ever-increasing secular world and bring our faith to life in action—feeding, caring, visiting, and praying for those in need.
Our ministries here at St. Catherine of Siena avail us many opportunities to do just that: care. Some of the ministries are ongoing and some are "once-a-year activities." All are impor-tant and vital not only to the parish and Church but most impor-tantly to those in need. I hope you will review the following lists (which will appear in the next few bulletins) and pray over them to see how you can serve God. As I have said before, God does not expect you to do everything but He does except everyone to do something. This week our list begins with some new ministries that will need some leadership as we determine their structure and their functionality. I hope some folks step forward to initiate these ministries:
Bereavement—offering hope and healing to support of those who have lost loved ones or have had a life-changing event occur. This can be for a diverse group—from older widows and widow-ers to parents of young children who have passed due to illness or other tragedy. The archdiocese offers training and strategic plan-ning, as do other groups, i.e., McLean Health Care, which we might enlist as we begin this process. The goal is two-fold: first to help one who has suffered a loss to deal well with the grieving process and to rebuild their lives now that life has changed. Sec-ond, for some who are now facing life alone, many new chal-lenges present themselves, not the least of which might be seek-ing new social friendships once one has become "single." This is not so much a "dating" service as it is an opportunity for folks to get together for social activities and to reconnect in a safe, group setting. Please call the rectory if you have an interest in being involved in this type of parish ministry, 860 658 1642.
Catholics Come Home—part of Pope Benedicts "New Evan-gelization" efforts, which will kick off globally with the 2012- 2013 "Year of Faith" on October 11th in our Church, focuses our attention on "fallen away Catholics." I hope we as a parish will work to reach out to our Catholic brothers and sisters who no longer feel they belong to the Church, for a host of reasons. Some may have "left" the Church—or feel that the Church has left them—due to divorce or remarriage, abortion, or many other teachings. Some may have read articles in secular papers or magazines and have taken it to be official Church teaching, when in fact it is not. Let’s take this opportunity to have an open dia-logue and, at the very least, reacquaint us with true Church teach-ings and see exactly "what" the Church teaches and "why" it teaches what it does. This needs to be offered in a non-threatening atmosphere so that all may feel free and welcome to ask ques-tions. We should begin this process with an "initial planning meeting open to all." For those who are interested, please watch the bulletin for a First Meeting Date or feel free to call me to let me know of your interest in this ministry, 860 658 1642.
Catholicism on Tap—this ministry will work to educate practicing Catholics and others who attend Church to our teachings in general and will hopefully act as a spring-board to furthering one’s knowledge, understanding, and practice of our Catholic teachings. Subject matter will range on topics of adult faith formation—from the saints, rituals, theology, to Catholic trivia explained and led by ordained priests, consecrated sisters and brothers, and lay members. Next week we will look at existing ministries and how they make our parish such a vibrant community. I hope you will pray over and consider a way(s) in which you can make this faith community become more like Christ to those in need.