On Saturday, May 4 will we celebrate our second grade religious education class’ First Holy Communion. It is a wonder-ful time for them individually and for the Church universal. It is no small feat, nor is it to be taken lightly, that they are prepared and ready to receive the Lord in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
The Church has taught for more than 2,000 years the belief that the Real Presence of our Lord is found in the Catholic Church’s Sacrament of Eucharist—a Sacrament of Unity and Love. Unlike Christian denominations (the Catholic Church is not a denomination of Christianity—for we did not denominate from another but we are the rock (Peter) upon which Christ built and empowered His Church on earth—and thus we possess the full-ness of Christ, found in the Sacrament of the Church. We wish our fellow Catholics joy on this momentous day and for all the future times they will receive and be fed by Christ, may they too become the potential that God has called them to be. Some names of our First Holy Communion recipients are still on the banner wall near the sacristy door. Please take a name and keep that child in your prayers.
As we celebrate the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation in our parish, I thought it might be good to have a little "refresher" course on the Sacrament of Eucharist for all of us