Until we are all able to once again gather together in public for the celebration of the Mass and toreceive the Sacred Eucharist, our parish will remain connected as one family in faith through the celebration of the Sunday Mass via the internet.
You may pray the Sunday Mass with us by going to stcatherine.info and select the link for the livestreamed Mass. You may join the Mass live at 11 a.m. on Sundays. We will celebrate the Mass for the scheduled Mass intentions but also for all of us and for the speedy and complete end to the Coronavirus pandemic,praying for the end of the disease, for the health and safety of all infected, for the safety of our healthcare providers on the front line, for the scientific community who are seeking a cure, vaccine or for treatments, and for all those who are in fear or are anxious due to this virus.
May the Peace of Christ keep you calm, may it give you strength and hope for safety and health, and that the return of everyday life may be very soon. May God bless us all!