Once again, St. Catherine's will be participating in the Lenten Mercy Project. As you know, Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving (charity). Our program at St. Catherine's has two components, one for parishioners in general and one for children participating in the Religious Education Program, which is named 'Children Making Change'. Information regarding the children's component has been arranged through Religious Ed.
The Lenten Mercy Project runs for six weeks and is bsed on the Corporal Works of Mercy. It provides an opportunity for us to share with those less fortunate than us by making pecific donations each week. Our first weekend for collecting tems is next weekend February 16/17. Please look at the flyer whch is inserted in this week's bulletin; it delineates our needs or each week. Containers for our collections will be available at boh entrances of the church. We hope that you will participate each week by bringing at least one item. The agencies truly appreciate our generosity and we are truly very grateful for your participation. Sherry Cordani & Tina Yablonski, Co-Chairs