Religious Education is over. Confirmation is confirmed and finished. Youth Ministry activities are closed for the summer. The 5 O’clock Sunday Mass has ended until September 11th. And soon the school year will come to a close…and everyone will be signing Alice Cooper’s School’s Out! But does that mean that Mass takes a summer hiatus too? No way!
While things in the parish might slow down during the summer months—such as some ministries take a vacation to refresh themselves for a return to full action in the fall, things like the Mass—on
Sundays, and weekdays, for funerals and weddings continue; visitations to the homebound and those who are hospitalized, counseling and confessions—all these things continue no matter the season.
God never takes time off from us. So our Mass schedule for the summer months (June, July and August) is:
I hope to see you all summer long at one of our Masses.Peace and enjoy the summer months!