As many parishioners know, last year’s Forward with Faith campaign was based upon building new programmatic outreach to grow our parish and strengthen her ties to the community, especially the 20 and 30 year olds.
One of our primary outreach efforts is being formed now and is focused on the “NONES,” those younger Catholics in their 20s and 30s who have little or no connection, practically speaking, to the Catholic faith. Most of us know plenty of them and have them right in our own families. No matter how well and how hard we did to educate our children and keep them in the practice of the faith—by attending Mass regularly, participation in our Faith Formation (formerly religious education classes) programs and Youth Ministry programs. They went off to college and the culture grabbed them.
Our work will be difficult, but the work is important and necessary. Our Church is about saving souls, and souls are saved by the Grace of God in-and-through His Church’s efforts.
So what do we need to do? In order to get moving we need to reach out to the 20 & 30 year olds and have a conversation with them as to why they do not practice the faith, why Mass isn’t interesting, why church might not hold the same value as you or I may have for it. We can’t speak to them in sincere, honest and compassionate dialogue if we don’t “know what’s up” exactly. What I think is the issue may not be their issue.
So I need—and am asking—for your help: Perhaps as a parent of one of these “Nones,” I am asking for your help to reach out to them in hopes of engaging them in a conversation about their doubts, disbeliefs, and their questions about the Church and our faith. This is not to lecture them, but rather to ask them to tell us why we (the Church) isn’t hitting the mark with them. Once we find that out, we can at least address their concerns and hopefully have conversations on social media and eventually in-person through the parish.
If you would be so kind, I would love to have a way to make contact with them and have a “focus style group” educate us to the topics we need to know and to address.
If you are willing to help, this might just be the first step in spreading the faith and renewing the Light of Christ in a loved one. It’s worth the effort, for we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Thank you. Please utilize the following email to respond to this request: